Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 Simple Ways To Pet-Proof Your Home 6 Simple Ways To Pet-Proof Your Home

6 Simple Ways To Pet-Proof Your Home

When you introduce a new dog or cat into the home, they’re naturally curious about their surroundings regardless if they are young or old. Their curiosity is one of their attractive qualities when deciding on a pet, but homes are full of dangerous and sensitive items that can harm the animal if not secured. Similar to baby-proofing a home, you need to look carefully at home features to keep your pet safe while preserving your property from damage, including stains.

Start At Ground Zero

Save your laminate, hardwood or tile floor with strategically chosen rugs or carpet. Dog and cat nails quickly scratch sensitive flooring, but adhesive-backed rugs will keep their paws cushioned and removed from the actual floor. Select rugs with a tight pattern to their design to hide potential stains. Solid color rugs only highlight stains, making the floor look unappealing. To avoid temptation, rugs should have a low pile so cats don’t feel inclined to scratch or burrow. Sturdy rugs with interesting patterns keep your floor looking perfect, even if there is a lot of dog or cat fur being shed.

Consider Open Shelving

You may have several cabinet displays of favorite pictures or collectible figurines, but these open shelves only pose an interesting sitting space for cats. Home protection
is part of pet-proofing the living space. Consider adding cabinet doors to the open shelves. Doors can be wood with attractive handles added to the face or even glass. With transparent doors, you can still display your items without your pet trying to jump into the space. They are also protected from harm during a natural disaster and everyday dust.

Hole Hazards

Puppies and cats are known to find the smallest holes in the home and hide inside them. Before allowing your pet to explore the home, get down to their level and check for holes in cabinets, walls and even behind appliances. Block the holes with lumber and nails, if possible. You don’t want your pet to become trapped in these crevices. A side benefit to fixing these holes is pest control. Rodents and insects don’t have an easy way to access your home, forcing them to look elsewhere for sustenance.

Latch Doors And Lids

Dogs and cats are always looking for a great treat, making them curious about trash can contents. Use lids and latches on trash cans to prevent pets from scavenging through this dangerous area. Sharp items lodge in throats, from bones to metal can parts, for example. Even consider adding latches to kitchen cabinet doors to keep pets out of pantries. A bag of chips is quickly ripped open and consumed by any pet. An expensive trip to the veterinarian is usually the only way to help pets that eat foreign foods.

Hanging Hazards

Cats are particularly curious about hanging items, from blind cords to full drapes. To protect your home and pet, consider grouping any hanging items to the side of the windows during the day. For example, a sash holds drapes and cords to the side so cats can’t bat the items around. Inspect your home for any looped hanging items. Permanent double or looped cords pose a strangling issue if pets become entangled. Keep pets away from hanging items and secure them as best as you can.

Training Is Key

One of the simplest ways to pet-proof your home is through animal training. If your pet is trained to behave in the home, they won’t find themselves in trouble with your favorite knick-knacks. Even cats can be trained to scratch only their designated posts and use the litter box. A trained animal reduces the stress of protecting your home from damage. Many communities offer discounted or free training to get your pet ready for the home environment.

Pet-proofing your home isn’t just setting up fence barriers in individual rooms. Enjoy your pet by altering some home aspects while looking into training. You’ll be pleased with your everyday companion’s behavior.

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Source : freshome[dot]com

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