Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Eccentric Architecture: Space Shuttle Replica Built on Top of Chinese Roof

Chinese shuttle house Eccentric Architecture: Space Shuttle Replica Built on Top of Chinese Roof This space shuttle replica added on top of a roof in Guangdong province, China is taking off in the news worldwide. According to, the unconventional “extension” belongs to Huang Yuzhan, a 60 year-old farmer who decided his house should have some bursting personality. While the idea of a private nonfunctional spaceship may appeal to an adventure-enthusiast, we must admit this project intrigued and surprised us, more than it impressed us aesthetically. This is why we decided to share it forward and see what you guys think.

house space shuttle3 Eccentric Architecture: Space Shuttle Replica Built on Top of Chinese Roof Unfortunately, we were not able to find out intricate details about this, such as the duration of the project or the material used to build it. We can only imagine that this piece of roof decor brought the owner closer to fulfilling his life-long dream of flying into space. So… how do you find this unconventional idea? Did you ever come close to adding a roof extension of this “magnitude”?
Chinese shuttle on roof Eccentric Architecture: Space Shuttle Replica Built on Top of Chinese Roof

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